Soccer -(4 years old-5th Grade) Play Starts After Labor Day.
Forms due in August.
Flag Football - (K-5th Grade) Play Starts After Labor Day. Forms due in August.
Basketball - Winter (K-3rd Grade) November and December. Forms are available for download below or at the Park District.
Erie Prophetstown Youth Basketball - 4th grade-8th grade - leagues and tournaments, if your child is interested, please reach out for details.
Baseball-Softball - (5 year olds-15 years Old) Forms Due March, games start in May. TBall forms out in April, forms due in April, will start the first full week of June.
SWIM LESSONS- Watch for fall and winter session information.
Level 1 Intro to Skills 3+ - Work on getting comfortable in the water, putting face in the water, learn basic safety rules of the pool. still using a flotation device.
Level 2 Beginning Skills - Still can use a flotation device, work on basic strokes, jumping into the pool, endurance and basic safety rules.
Level 3 Stroke Readiness and Development - No flotation devices, work on all basic strokes, diving into the pool and endurance with the strokes, and basic safety rules.
Adult Programs: Co-Ed Softball - Tournament
Fitness Classes - Year Round
5K and One Mile Fun Run
Movies in the Park
Easter Egg Hunt in the Pool - April 12th
Reindeer Dash -Saturday after Thanksgiving
This course introduces youth to the basic concepts of weight training, technique and weight room etiquette. After youth complete this class, they have full access to the Fitness Center with a parent/guardian present. Without having taken the class or having a parent with them, a child in this age range (from age 10-through 8th grade) is not allowed into the Fitness Center. Class is free. Call to schedule a time to take the class.
Call and reserve for a time. We have both a pickleball and volleyball net available for set up, just ask the attendant at the front desk for assistance.
We continue to look to add more programs for all populations, we are always willing to listen to new ideas.
Files coming soon.
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